Which Computer Programming language is Productive, Python or Java?

Perception System
2 min readOct 15, 2020


Recently, Python emerged as a more advanced programming language than Java and initiated a debate Java vs. Python among developer communities. Let’s see which choice is better for productivity metrics in this blog.

Once upon a time, software developers were dwelling in C-class programming languages and the environment. After a few years, Java emerged on the horizon as a better choice with some unique advantages. For instance,

  • Java is a compiled language
  • To run Java code on any computing machine/device, you have to install Java Virtual Machine first.
  • Java has better OOP support, compact, and comprehensive coding patterns.
  • Java has powerful libraries, which enable developers to go beyond desktops, web, and even mobile application development.

Recently, a new powerful and advantageous programming language came on the surface, and it is Python.

  • Unlike Java, the Python has interpreted language.
  • Therefore, Python doesn’t need any virtual machine to run the code.
  • Instead, Python code directly interpreted by the machines and convert into byte code that machines can follow/understand.

These are some basic differences between Java and Python. If you are in a dilemma to make a selection between these two superstar programming languages, we will help you to get correct insights by giving the advanced difference. Let’s go ahead.

Read more for programming languages

